ADDTEC team of scientists from Australian premier universities including world well-known scientists offer range of services in health and biotechnology sectors in Australia and overseas.
In-Silico Modelling
The scientists of In-Silico Modelling Group are well-qualified to apply basic science including mathematics, physics and chemistry to simulate systems in atomic level.
Genetics and Bioinformatics
The scientists of Genetics and Bioinformatics Group are well educated in statistics, computer programming and big data analysing skills with deep knowledge …
Proteomics revolutionise scientists approach in developing human health. Characterising new proteins, discovering biomarkers and many more let us diagnose potential of some disorders.
Antibodies have become essential tools for most areas of life science research, mainly for their use as molecular tags for specific labelling and detection.
Reagents and Other
We offer thousands of reagents and other products required for scientific research. Please contact us regards your enquiry and we will contact you with more information regards your enquiry.
Lead Advisory
The Lead Advisory Group has team members of principle scientists from both experimental and computational field. They have years of experience to provide advance consultation
Need to get in touch? Send us a message to learn more about our products and services.